Journalism in YouTube: New Age of Communication

video converterIn the wild YouTube worlds and blogospheres of the internet, it’s usually just a matter of adding your own personal mustard. Journalism actually has a few rules in store for how to correctly say your opinion.

In the new age of communication, everyone can express themselves, comment, share, and create a virtual biography and become a star yourself. Most adolescents and young adults have grown up with these technical possibilities. The so-called digital natives draw their information and their worldview from the endless channels and sources of the World Wide Web.


Filter the flood of information and video clips in YouTube

What often fades into the background is the ability to filter the flood of information. For example to differentiate between subjective expressions of opinion and objective reporting. The opinion is often more spectacular and entertaining than the dry presentation of facts. The personal approach and opinionated appearances are certainly the reason for the enormous attractiveness of Internet formats such as YouTube films and blogs. The digital groups can easily use Youtube to mp4 converter online if they want to download online videos. However, it is always recommended to filter and check the information before watching or downloading it.


Journalism: Rules of the game for opinion in YouTube online videos

Every journalist also makes subjective decisions, for example when choosing which events to report on. And he has to question his own stance on every topic. But subjectivity and opinion take place in serious journalism under certain rules of the game. It is clearly marked and limited to certain genres and forms of representation. Then the question arises: How do I formulate and present a message as objectively and neutrally as possible?

Is video blogging considered Journalism?

With the broader accessibility of the Internet and the increasing everyday presence of social networks, new, expanded forms have also developed in journalism. Anyone with a functioning internet connection has the opportunity to do journalistic work online. They can also provide information to the public. On video platforms such as “YouTube”, the vlog format has been the center of attention for some time. In the video blog, mostly the periodical reports are about your own life and opinions. This is not yet journalism per se in the current definition namely the full-time preparation or dissemination of information.