In Social Judgment Theory Diagram, Imagine for a moment that you are creating an advertising campaign for a state senate candidate who favors raising gasoline taxes in order to repair the state’s aging highways and bridges. Considering social judgment theory and the fact that new taxes are a hot-button issue for most state residents, you will probably encounter a very narrow latitude of acceptance here. You would be making a major mistake to frame your advertising messages in terms of new taxes. Instead, you wisely reason that it is better to build the campaign around messages based upon “new infrastructure investments for safety” or “shared responsibility for our roads.” This theory works nicely as a heuristic to help you determine acceptable persuasive message for audiences.
The Aristotelian artistic proofs, semiotics, and social judgment theory all provide useful heuristic tools to help you analyze your audience and to predict their likely attitudes and behaviors. You must think hard about what the audience expects from your persuasive message, what words and images will hold important meanings for them, and what types of persuasive messages they are likely to accept, reject, or not care about. First, however, you must understand the ethical considerations in using persuasion.
This theory works nicely as a heuristic to help you determine acceptable persuasive message for audiences.