Are you aware that in an online shop, good product descriptions are just as important as great pictures or a technically flawless website? Product descriptions not only contribute to a positive customer experience but also to the credibility of your shop.
You also help to achieve a better Google ranking for your shop and to increase the conversions of your website.
Smartshopperusa: Answer important questions before writing
Before you start writing, there are a few questions you should ask yourself to use as a guide when creating your product descriptions.
Product questions are relatively simple, especially with regard to specific features of the product.
However, knowing how to best address your target group is essential for smartshopperusa shop owners.
If you answer the questions about the product before actually writing the product description, you can more easily determine which functions and special features should be emphasized in the text.
Smartshopperusa: Know your own target group when writing
In order to be able to write product descriptions that increase sales, it is important to know your target group.
If you haven’t created a buyer persona yet, you should definitely do so. Profiling the ideal clientele can help many different departments in your company.
Especially when it comes to product descriptions, it is helpful to know what is really important to your target group.
If you are active in a niche market, you already know the importance of focusing on and targeting your core audience.
Smartshopperusa: Focus on advantages and special features when writing
A good product description should focus on the specifics and benefits of the product. While it will likely be easier to describe the features, it will take a little more creativity and background to promote the item’s benefits.
However, you should let your creativity run wild with both the features and the benefits. Be sure to use positive adjectives that highlight the characteristics.
Smartshopperusa: Use storytelling when writing
Once you know who your target audience is, you should try to address this group on an emotional level as well. Emotions inspire people to buy.
Smartshopperusa: Readability of the text
In general, you should avoid writing extremely long product descriptions. It is therefore appropriate that the product description be a little longer than usual. In most cases, however, you should make the product description a little shorter and more reader-friendly. Bullet points can really help with this.