Are Diet Pills Dangerous To Your Health?

Many reports have been published in journals about the dangers of diet pills and supplements. For this reason, it had been banned in many countries worldwide. Let’s take a look further.

Do tablets for losing weight really do that? Are these diet pills dangerous? Is it worth spending money on diet pills? Makers of appetite suppressants and slimming pills can prove their effectiveness. But it only makes sense to use it as a supplement but not to replace a good diet plan.

Just swallow a pill and you lose weight as if the pill does the work on its own? “There is no such thing as doing it yourself and there won’t be any in the foreseeable future,” said dietitian Prof. Dr. Michael Hamm. But he also knows that there is a great desire for many to lose weight and feel good. That is why ten billion euros are spent annually on slimming products worldwide in the hope of speeding up weight loss.

How are diet pills dangerous?

It becomes dangerous for consumers who use ominous means to reduce their belly fat if undeclared pharmacologically active substances are present in the pills. Let’s not forget that there were many slimming tea hypes and other diet tablets that caused death to many individuals. Here are active substances that can cause harm instead of good.

  • Sibutramine. It was offered as “Slimming Tea” or “Weight Loss Coffee”. There were deaths after consumption. It was banned in Europe in 2010. However, to date, the substance is found in many food samples in the market.
  • Dinitrophenol (DNP). This is an industrial chemical that is mainly used in the synthesis of dyes, wood preservatives, insecticides, and explosives. Even in low doses, DNP, taken over a long period of time, can damage the liver, kidneys, blood formation, cardiovascular and nervous systems. There have been several deaths in various countries in recent years.
  • Synephrine. This is often mixed with caffeine. The substance is often hidden behind the name bitter orange extract, the caffeine behind the name of plant extracts such as guarana, coffee, or green tea extract. Synephrine and caffeine both affect the cardiovascular system. The consumption of such combinations can have dangerous consequences – from sleep disorders, high blood pressure, and rapid heartbeat to ventricular fibrillation and heart attacks.

Diet pills to lose weight, will it remain a dream?

Most of the time you just waste your money, in the worst case you endanger your own health because appetite suppressants often have immense side effects. For this reason, approved preparations and diet pills have been withdrawn from the market in recent years.

Consult with your doctor. They can recommend dietary supplements that are tested to be organic and healthy. NO substances that may harm the body. Leptitox is among the supplements used in combination with proper diet and exercise. While we don’t recommend any diet supplements, it is best to read the leptitox review for proper information.

How to Be an Effective Journal Writer

Do you have a habit of keeping your journals?

Well, if you do, it must give and bring memories of old or previous travels, date nights, family bondings, and memorable events and experiences. Indeed, this is just a few reasons why we always write in a journal and eventually keep it.

But the question is, how do you become an effective journal writer?

Journal Writing

You don’t really need to be an avid writer, you just need to know and love what you are going to write. After all, having your journal is a personal piece of the book, anyone is not obliged to read it but only you.

Indeed it is true when they say we are all writers. But if you are still not sure yet then here are advantages of keeping a journal and to be effective in writing one.

Remember the Details

Your journal must be a collection of all the best moments you had in life, so write all the details even the least ones. Just like they say, it is the little things that matter.  Remember that one day you will be reading back on your journal and relive the moments again, you will remember what the place but clearly not so with what really happened.

Write the Things You’re Grateful For

One good way to start your journal is to start writing down the things that you are grateful for. Doing this routine will help you write a few words as to why you’re grateful for each particular item it also boosts up a positive mindset. 

Essential Tools Needed by Journalists

Way back history, the tools that are essentials for journalists were only the pencil, notepad, and trilby. However, in the digital era today, tools requirement become more pronounced and are more than those that have already been mentioned plus the file storage like self storage in Brighton. These tools are truly essential for journalists as it helps a lot in making good stories behind those essentials.

Things Journalists Can’t Do Without

Here is the list of essential tools that can be very helpful for journalists in their daily story-making which can also be essential writing tips for inner writer



The TinEye website can be very helpful in manipulating images or source photographs of people or events in an easy way. Moreover, films and television shows can also be manipulated and edited using the TinEye technology. TinEye works by informing the user if the image to be used already exists. 

It also has the ability to determine the source of the image that you will be running through. One greater feature of the TinEye is its team of image experts. They are all volunteers who can identify if the image has already been tampered digitally.



DataPortals website helps journalists in compiling the statistics and backing up news story. This website serves as a mass reservoir of open files from different places around the globe. It simply means that the DataPortals website collects data being released publicly worldwide.

But, there are some restrictions when it comes to browsing or searching to particular geographical locations and topics of interest. The key here is to have some practice. As a journalist, you need to do this in order to get the appropriate file to back up the research that you do.

DataPortals have at least 500 databases as of the moment which its users can utilize to browse and make research. 



This digital tool is one of the best tools for journalist’s use. Mailvelope assists users to encrypt communication conducted via electronic mails or messaging. In addition, this tool utilizes the Pretty Good Privacy or PGP encryption which is the excellent commercial encryption algorithm. Aside from that, encryption of saved files on the laptop or other device can also be possible for Mailvelope giving more protection to your file.

How Law Firms Benefit from Virtual Data Rooms

Virtual data rooms are picking up in fame for some sorts of organizations where it’s important to share touchy and private data among different business substances and individuals. Virtual information rooms give the adaptability to make numerous structures in at least one Data Room so as to address the issues of business experts. Virtual information rooms can without much of a stretch handle transferring and downloading huge reports. Legal advisors and different business experts can pre-orchestrate virtual information rooms with the goal that they can set up and organize business exchanges rapidly.

What Are Virtual Data Rooms?

Virtual information rooms are online information rooms. Basically, they are an online archive for reports that are enormous and either touchy or profoundly classified. Numerous organizations have discovered that huge record sharing frameworks like Box and Google Docs are not almost secure enough for secret business exchanges.

Bookkeepers, corporate administrators, purchasers, legal advisors, and different business experts are finding that virtual information rooms offer a safe method to work together and to lead business with different experts and organizations.

Advantages of Virtual Data Rooms

The most alluring component of virtual information rooms is the high level of security that they provide, however they have other eminent advantages too.

Online virtual information rooms wipe out the need to lease or give a physical information room. There’s never again a requirement for legal counselors or different business experts to head out to a remote area to audit archives face to face. Less travel time compares to expanded cost reserve funds and efficiency, as it makes extra hours in the day to watch out for more customers.

Virtual information rooms permit legal advisors to record archives electronically, making them ultra-simple to discover, rather than burrowing through many documents searching for explicit reports. Virtual information rooms use cloud-based capacity so that there are no stresses over reports being devastated because of a cataclysmic event, for example, fire or flood.

Legal counselors and different business experts can follow exchanges all the more effectively utilizing virtual information rooms. The framework lets them see who has seen archives and when they investigated them. Legal advisors additionally get cautions when they have to react to an inquiry, message or exchange so they can answer at their most punctual chance.

Essential Writing Tips for the Inner Writer

Becoming a better writer does not only goes with using hard to spell and hard to understand words, or otherwise what we call as “Smart words”. Becoming a better writer means you are being able to portray the message you want your readers to get from you and affect them with your writings.

Indeed, there is a long road to becoming a better writer, but with continuous passion and learning, you are soon going to get there. Today, I will talk to you a few personal tips in making sure you are writing to send out the right message and to affect people with your writeups. Let’s get started!

Writing Tips 101

Anyone who writes is a writer, but that does not mean they are very good one. Indeed, writing is not a career that fits everyone. Sure you can write, but can you affect your readers the right way? Are you efficient and effective in your writings? Today, let’s take a look at these simple tips we have listed for you!

Read and Write, Always

Given that the more you read, the more you open your mind to ideas. and the more write your ideas the more you radiate creativity and wit. Indeed, reading and writing always come together.

Use A Thesaurus

Using a thesaurus or Dictionary helps you out in widening your vocabulary with terms you are not familiar with, and the terms that you should appropriately use. Especially when writing becomes too technical.

Edit Ruthlessly

A writer is a hundred per cent sure that her writings are in good grammar, and fixed. She does not let out her writings without her editing and going on it thoroughly. Make sure that you do this important tip.

Steps in Becoming a Better Writer

Do you always want to become a writer and write amazing books and stories for people to read? Brace yourself, because being a writer is a busy world and you have to write… like all the time.

Write when you’re sad when you’re happy when you’re not feeling yourself, anything you’ll feel you have to write it all down. That’s how your work is gonna go. Now you think of it as a simple job to do but little did people know that to become a writer means a lot of things too and one is you need to have the heart for it.

How to Become a Writer

Nothing ever comes easy and writing is for sure not for everyone. It may just look easy but it is actually something that comes from great hard work, creativity and imagination. However, nobody said that becoming one is an impossible task.


We are all storytellers, one is just for talking, one is for painting, one is for her job and other more often is for writing. You just need to figure out which one you are.

Today let me tell you a few tips on how to become a writer.

Read and Write

You need to be a reader to become a writer. A writer makes sure that she’s back with books and articles that she has red. The more diversely you read, the more distinctive your tone o voice will be when you write. Indeed, a writer is an amalgamation of everything he or she has read.

Basic Number Concepts for Journalists

Most of the time, journalists are coined as “people of so many words”. But, true or not, reporters can blank out the moment they encounter various figures. Yet, playing on with numbers is a perilous activity. They can represent as the basic part of the story. The computation of students’ grades, prices discount or an over or under budgeting project are all evolved around those figures.

Really knowing the numbers and having the ability to clearly disseminate their true value to the readers is one of the most important part of a journalist job. Basic knowledge about arithmetic, working easily with statistics, and compute for percentages are basic requirements for journalists as well. It is also important to learn the margin of error, probability, and understanding the meaning behind graphs and tables. These math basics are very essential to help the readers understand the current concerns. Moreover, it will also guide journalism students to get math homework help.

Basic Concepts about Numbers

Below are some of the basic knowledge that you must have to remember to create a more realistic news and make that story count.


Generally, an “average” is often referred to when the mean, median, and mode are being discussed. These mathematical concepts are three different aspects. But, in most cases, they are used interchangeably. Thus, incorrect usage will lead to misleading story.

Basically, the mean is the average. The mathematical formula for this is the number of the values divided by the sum of the values. On the other hand, the median is the measurement of the central tendency within the group of numbers.

Meanwhile, the mode is used as an indicator than a measurement. The utilization of mode is very helpful in identifying a sequence of reoccurrence. However, mode is not used often in journalism compared to statistics.


The fraction of a whole number or that of 100 is known as percentage.

For the purpose of describing the data to the readers via a way that is meaningful, percentages are of big help especially if there are raw numbers present. The mathematical formula to compute for it is through multiplication of the real number value by 100.

Writers, Their Works, and Its Purposes

Albeit journal writing might not be relegatable as a literary genre, it might be the most consequential one, since it enables a person detect his private truth and to connect with his inner voice. Following a hectic schedule, with minimal time for cerebration or reflection, the inscriber can consider his journal both a place and an act that enables him to converse together with self and commune with soul, enabling him to form out, process, understand, and accept what he transfers out of his head or heart into his book, often reaching elements of him he never would. Because of this, journal inditing could be looked at cerebrating on paper.

To catch something through the word would be to give this form and make it real, and the diary may be the stage on. It could become an anchor in a individual’s life storm and the dock to which he can reunite after every day’s drift.

Contrary to other literary types, which are dictated by concrete formats and rules, journals are personal accumulations of inscribing Regardless, it can accommodate numerous functions.

Because most men and women negotiate life at a hectic pace, with minimal time to astutely or mentally process what happens to them, journals can accommodate as their pauses, during which they can digest everything-or chances to’catch up” on what might have proven only cursory faculties to interpret and accept.

They can offer slow understanding of who they are on the inside. They sanction them to analyze their past and establish courses because of their future-that is to where they require in order to go.They can foster organization and construction in both their private and professional lives.They can accommodate as histories or archives, preserving and documenting what recollection might not always facilely recall. They may be habituated demonstrate learning in classroom settings, superseding conventional examinations and to develop conceptions. Their ingressions mark the milestones of the life journeys. They could accommodate as lifestyle management implements. They may lead to inditing celerity that is incremented and fluency, and accommodate to inscribing genres as the thresholds. They can be considered methods by which the inditer communicates with all the spirit with communes and itself.

Writing is almost as difficult as dieting. Aspirants should consider joining organizations like American Keto Association that will be with them along with their journey.

Web Journalism

Websites are essential and imperative in today’s technological and digitized world since many individuals now relay on the internet and these websites for almost any information. Check out West Palm Beach web design.

With the decrease of broadsheets or newspapers, there has been much talk regarding web journalism as the future of the news bulletin. Just what exactly is web journalism? Web journalism, in point of fact, includes a complete array of various kinds of websites.

Newspaper Websites

Websites operated by newspapers are essentially extensions of the newspaper itself. On its own, they could make available an extensive collection and compilation of articles in a multiplicity of topics, such as news, business, sports, the arts, lifestyle, and editorials which are all proficiently written by their professional reporters. In several circumstances, the printing presses of newspapers are shut down but will still carry on running their websites. However, frequently, when printing presses cease operation, the news workforces are cleared out, only leaving behind the structure of the newsroom.

Independent News Sites

These websites which are usually located in bigger cities have a tendency to focus on hard-news coverage of schools, law enforcement, city agencies, and municipal government,several of them are recognized for their assertive investigative style of reporting. Usually, their content is created by a small team of full-time reporters as well as freelancers. Numerous independent news websites are nonprofits that are financed by a combination of revenue from ads and contributions from foundations and donors.

Hyper-Local News Websites

These types of sites focus on coverage of particular communities that are small to the individual neighborhood in those communities. The coverage usually focuses on events that are very localized, such as police blotter, agenda of the meeting of the town board, or a presentation of a play by a school. These sites could be independent or operated by newspapers as an extension of their site. Their web content is usually created by local freelance bloggers and writers.

Citizen Journalism Websites

Citizen journalism websites operate on an extensive gamut. Several are essentially only online platforms wherein citizens could post pictures or video reports on almost any subject. Others center on a particular geographic region and give more coverage that are targeted and specific. They are typically by a loose link and association of bloggers, writers as well as video reporters having different levels of experience in journalism experience.

Benefits From SEO Company In Journalism 

Journalism is one of the most interesting to do when finding an activity that will help you to grow as a person. There are a lot of people who would take this as their course in college and would like to experience the diversity of journalism. /.is not only about having good content of the article, but journalism can be seen also as a video or as an audion where every individual can make.

There are a lot of things to offer journalism to every individual, but the most important is to produce good content for the newspaper, magazines, research and many more. This is where a lot of people can be recognized today because of their content. Today, a lot of newspapers company and even magazines company have their own website that could help them to gain more readers, and thus they would like to have SEO optimization for their benefits. Just like this SEO expert gold coast that will help every company to gain more people and as well as to build a reputation over the internet. 


SEO Company Helps Journalist



  • An SEO company may help to gain more traffic to their websites.


There are a lot of people in the field of journalism like to increase their traffic on their website which means getting more readers and potential subscriber. This is one of the main reasons why SEO companies will help you to have the best rank when searching your content on the internet, particularly on google chrome. There are many people who would love to have their own spot over the internet, and this is the job of the SEO company. 


  • Help them to promote.


There are many people who would love to promote their own content on the internet. Promoting the best content that your company has will help the company to promote even more and as well as to build the reputation of the whole company. 




There are many people who would like to be part of how journalism is powerful to make an individual creative and imaginative as well. Thus, writing is one of the best things to do in expressing yourself. 


Constructing A Profitable Blog Website

Whether you’ve already started a blog yet or not, the one reason that I can be sure is you’d like to make money. We all do. We all need to survive.

To be honest, transforming your blog into a profitable business is very challenging and discouraging sometimes. It requires your dedication, patience, and resilience. It’s not easy, but at the same time, it doesn’t require a secret skill to succeed. Starting your own blog was of the best decision that you’ll ever take.

Moreover, it becomes your ultimate portfolio as a freelance writer. It also helps you create a great foundation for your online business.  In this post, I’m going to break down the process on how to construct a profitable blog website. Also how you can magnify your presence online and of course how you can make money from it. Alongside, you can also ask for help from an SEO company like Gold Coast SEO company.

Unleash Your Ideas Within You

If you’re creating a blog, you don’t need to be revolutionary. But, your blogs should always focus on something specific. Some would argue that you should start a blog in a niche manner.  However, you need to remember that your idea must be unique.

The thing is you need to understand that the appeal of the blog can be only as large as the total global audience in your prospective language. But you can strengthen that in a manner. In addition, when choosing your blog’s niche you need to consider 2 things.

Your Blog Focus

This is a critical step that needs consideration. Determining who your blog is will not just help you be more effective in your writing, but also ensure that your blog is not wasted.  You can start by narrowing your idea and make a specific point.

Yes, the blog is not a blog without content so once you set up your blog focus on the attention of making a useful content. What you choose to focus depend a little to what you want to write about. Focus on writing content that will change people lives in some way. It’s somehow, a type of content that people value most and will help your future client to know and trust you. 

Defining your Target Clients

Once you’ve decided on your core topic. It’s time to think about what your audience would be. The more accurate you are, the better prepared you will be when you starting writing a blog to attract them. This process involves the creation of business personas; it would be easy for you to define the attribution of your desire business.


SEO Tips for Journalists and Editorial Personnel

Mark Nunney was able to provide a detailed steps on effectively coming up with a quality editorial by using various online marketing tools, specifically the proper keyword search tools. You can read further on Keyword Research Service and other available services on the internet.

Journalists and editorial teams are crucial when it comes to SEO and website content management. It is actually obvious because journalists and writers are considered as one of the front liners of SEO. Aside from this, other factors that are crucial in SEO are coding, URLs and a lot more. But they are more on the technical side – website support and troubleshooting. It is crucial but it is not what every business website needs to achieve high ranking.

What every website needs in order to win the race is a great editorial content. Without good content, the SEO will make no sense at all. It is the best way to get more links for more exposure. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) effectiveness will most likely based on how well you write your content as well as the keywords and phrases you use.

Although there are various benefits of SEO especially when good editorial is combined with it, there are arguments saying that SEO is actually the enemy of journalism and editorial. In addition to that, people working in the editorial team say that editorial should not and never be seen as a support to keywords or phrase because editorial can stand on its own and editorial must not be compromised for the sake of SEO.

Some members of a certain editorial team were asked what SEO is for them and they said that SEO means increase in the number of readers and website visitors. Another is that SEO is the way to make more money. If, for instance, your website gets the most number of visitors and readers, then you will attract advertisements as well to pay you for a space and exposure at your website. In order to gain more exposure, your website content must contain the keyword that is mostly used by people when they are searching on the internet.

What You Need To Write Today 


To write today is one of the most interesting things to do,  you allow yourself to express your thoughts ideas and share your experience in life.

There are many people who engage themselves in writing for journalism,   a writer has a lot of things that interest them. This could be a journal, diary, novel and even writing a reaction paper or research paper.

To write is a gift this allows you to be yourself and gives you freedom in establishing your own thoughts. Paid surveys today will help you to establish your own writings,  from there you will know what are the top writing style,  interesting topics to write and most especially the type you would prefer to write. 


Paid Survey Shows You The Top Things About Journalism



  • The type of story to write. 


When you visit a paid survey you will know what is the trending story to write.  From there you will get an idea of what you would like to proceed if you want to stay with the traditional one or you want to explore the popular one.  But writers today give importance to what is popular because this will help them to gain more readers and audience with their published works. The paid survey can always give you a piece of reliable information and as well as an estimation to what extent you can have your potential reader with the topic you have chosen. 


  • To know what is in for writing.  


Getting the topic that is popular today is one of the most important things to write because you will gain the trust of the public and as well as gain a lot of readers of yours.  Writing a trending topic it’s one of the best strategies in writing for, in journalism, this paid survey will give you the pulse of the reader of yours, the one that you want to target.  There are many people who don’t know how to start writing but they can start through this for them to get the attention of their reader in the long run. This is the main reason why you should know about surveys.

A Closer Look at The Netherlands as a Popular International Conference Destination

International conferences have always been a great source of reports for journalists on the hunt for new discoveries, inventions, developments and knowledge delving on topics of global significance. Getting first hand information about matters presented, and the related discussions and debates that transpire, is the best way to fully understand the concept and purposes that professionals like scientists, doctors, engineers, teachers and other experts announce to the world.

In the Netherlands, there is no shortage of international conferences for journalists to cover. The cities of Amsterdam, The Hague, and Groningen are in fact key places where hundreds of major international conferences take place yearly. These cities not only provide the venues and amenities in which to hold significant events. They also provide attendees opportunities to learn about Dutch history, as well as experience the country’s different cultures and traditions.

Actually, becoming a leading international conference destination enables countries like the U.S., Germany, Spain, France, United Kingdom and Italy to significantly augment their economic income. The Netherlands ranks as 8th placer after Japan and China-PR. After all, international conferences are excellent sources of additional taxes derived from tourism-related businesses, especially revenues generated by hospitality and transportation industries,and including industry-related jobs.

What Conference Organizers Consider when Choosing The Netherlands as Conference Location

Organizers conduct an intensive bidding process to which interested providers submit proposals that meet the requirements for an upcoming international conference. The Netherlands is highly favored for its low-budget offers. According to the CEO of Amsterdam Marketing Frans van der Avert, The Netherlands is often a favorite choice whenever budgets are of utmost concern, because their conference offers are relatively low when compared to the offers of other international destinations.

Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands is the leading international conference site of the country. In 2016, RAI Amsterdam alone, made record for hosting 52 international conferences that generated about half a billion euros and created 7,000 new jobs in Amsterdam.

Aside from having quality facilities and service providers in their venues, the city is a favourite because of its accessibility and connectivity. The Amsterdam Airport Schiphol is regarded as a major European hub because it extends operations to more than 300 direct destinations. Moreover, public transport takes only 20 minutes or so to reach the city centre, usually by riding in a 100% electrically operated taxi.

International connectivity is also provided by way of technology that allows conference attendees to video conference with associates and colleagues located in other parts of the globe. Connectivity of course is important to journalists in broadcasting a covered event, with the Amsterdam Internet Exchange (AMS-IX) providing excellent digital connection throughout the world.

The “I Amsterdam” campaign helped make the city an iconic international destination, highlighting not only cultural, and historical wonders but also important architectural buildings housing museums, shopping malls, restaurants and entertainment spots.

When organizing events, meets and conferences in the Netherlands, many consider using letter lights or letters met licht in highlighting events, conferences and important announcements.

The Development And Basics of Journalism

The Development of Journalism

Journalism comes from the word “journal” which means a diary. There are several stages that had to be passed before making a journalistic work. This includes initial planning, going into the field, writing the results of field observations, and presenting it to the general public. There are three journalistic scopes, namely straight news, features, and opinions which include editorials, columns, and marginal notes.

Journalism first appeared in 131 BC in Rome. At that time many notice boards were found. After the printing press was invented in 17th century Germany, the spread of journalistic works became more massive. Until now, the time when the internet is rampant, journalism increasingly existed and could reach the entire world.

If you look at the context of media among students at this time. People are now close to journalistic works. Because currently, journalistic work is not only in the form of writing. However, it can be in the form of videos, infographics, and short films. Blogging is a form of journalism, Even video blogs are considered as journalism too. For instance, if you blog about cars and speakers or both as in the case of writing or making a video to answer a question like “Which are the best car speakers?” the thing is that you are still journaling something relevant that’s worth publishing.

Writing is still important, but if we can make something more interesting why not? The important thing is that the meaning can be distributed together.

Journalism Basics

Journalists should pay attention to the journalism code of ethics. The code of ethics refers to what Bill Kovach and Tom Rosentiels have formulated, namely, nine journalistic elements consisting of:

Journalism is chasing the truth, Journalists’ commitment to society and the public interest, Journalism is the discipline of carrying out verification, Independent of news sources, Must be a power monitor, Providing a forum for the community, Striving to make important things interesting and relevant, Keeping proportional and comprehensive news and, Give priority to conscience.

In addition to obeying the nine elements of journalism, journalists should unite. In this way, journalists can maintain independence by placing restrictions on media entrepreneurs.

Three Point Lighting In Visual Media

Light is crucial in the daily existence of all people. Light, just like pendant lights Sydney, has become a need since it provides illumination to   both private and public areas. Moreover, the powerful properties of light could bring about mesmerizing experiences as well as engage spectators.

The Three Point Lighting

Light is also used in different industries as they play a significant role. For instance, the technique called Three Point Lighting is a basic method utilized in visual media like film, video, video interviews, still photography as well as in imagery generated by computer. It is uncomplicated and basic; however is a system that is versatile which shapes the foundation of most lighting.

The three illuminations utilized in this technique are known as the key light, fill light and back light. These are all needed to efficiently make use of the technique. But then again as a rule:

  • If only a single light is available, it then turns into the key light
  • If two lights are available, one functions as the key light and the remaining is either functions as the backlight or the fill

Key Light

The key light is the major light and is typically situated on the front right or left of the subject or camera, with the purpose of aptly illuminating this side and where the opposite side has a certain shadow effect. It could also be positioned directly fronting the subject, especially if it doesn’t move so much.

The key light must be positioned higher than the subject downward-facing with, if possible, an approximately 45 degree angle, with the aim of appropriately showing the eyes.

Fill Light

Frequently, the fill light is proportional to the key light on the other part of the face. It is usually less bright and softer compared to the key light. To get this, it could also be just below as well as further away or it could be softened by means of filters. An optimum illumination of the fill light would yet leave certain soft shadows made by the main light that naturally outlines the subject’s face.


The backlight illuminates the subject diagonally from the back or directly from behind. It has to be positioned rather high enough, so as for the light to strike the shoulders and hair of the subject. It intends to deliver definition as well as subtle or faint highlights around the outlines of the subject and hence separate the individual from the backdrop as well as provide a look that is three-dimensional.

Multimedia Journalism, Online Journalism, and Future Journalism

In the millennial era, people are familiar with various media offerings, and even humans at all times “mingle” with the media in their hands. The media at this time is also interactive where the media open up opportunities to be able to interact with the public. The phenomenon that arises from the space of interaction between the media and the public is that the public does not hesitate to cast criticism on the media if it is deemed to be less “credible”.

Multimedia Journalism

What is meant by multimedia Journalism? Multi means any, or more than double or multiply. Media means communication tools such as newspapers, magazines, radio, television, posters, and banners. So it can be concluded that multimedia means: a computer-based multifunctional tool or facility used to distribute information in the form of sound, animation, video, and traditional media, text, graphics, and images.

Multimedia is divided into two namely: Linear and Non-Linear. Linear means the content is active without control of any navigation to the audience. Non-Linear: content offers interactivity with users or viewers to take part in controlling content or information in the media.

While journalism is the work of gathering, writing, editing, and publishing news in newspapers and so on.

So what is Multimedia Journalism?

It is a contemporary journalism practice in the dissemination of news content using either two or more media formats via the internet. This is closely related to the convergence of media communication technology, news business integration, and news management editorial strategies.

There are two ways to formulate multimedia in journalism, namely: First: the presentation of a news package on a website that uses two or more media formats and there are interactive or hypertextual elements (Journalism Online). For example, a study of news on the Web, in addition to being readable, users can also click to listen to the news or can also watch existing videos.

Second: Presentation of the same news package is sent through different media. For example other than through print media, it can also be sent via, blogs, cellphones, SMS, E-mail, Radio, TV and so on.

Online Journalism

Online journalism can also be called digital journalism which is a form of contemporary journalism in which the dissemination process is via the internet. News content in this feature presents the latest things such as text, audio, video and which contain other interactive elements that are shared through other digital media.

Impact of online journalism for readers: users or readers can interact directly like users can comment on articles, videos and so on.

Several people access news or information online via their cellphones or devices. This has become a “stimulation” for content owners to increasingly compete in creating content that is increasingly attracting the attention of the public that is packed not only in text but also in audio and video.

Future of Journalism

The journalism revolution had a huge impact on the millennial era. There will be times when reporters no longer look for news, write fast because they are chasing deadlines. Journalists of the future also not only cover the news but can harvest and analyze data.

This is because there is a change in the news model, where everyone wants to make and consume news. That the importance of a news value is determined by the public, not from the news agency. News dissemination and news accuracy and responsiveness need to be owned by a journalist.

From social media, the news seems to be scattered just like that and from anywhere, journalists just choose to explore a piece of news that is being hit. News sources can also be accessed from various social media and other social video sharing sites like YouTube (YouTube abonnenten kaufen) and then made comparisons and news filters from other media. Journalists have also demanded to multitask in facing the news.

Citizen journalism action in recording or writing (caption) of a news story and then released, has now become a phenomenon that attracts the attention of the press. So future journalists are journalists who will not go back to the field to cover the news but the news that will come to them through social media that is released by citizen journalism.

Tips in Starting a Travel Website

Do you want to start a travel website that you can focus in featuring your exquisite travel photos, videos and adventures?

Well, wether you are a business man, or just someone who loves to travel, building a travel website is basically the best decisions you can come up with. Today, this blog post will show you how you can start that website running.

Why Make A Travel Blog 

For some, traveling has become a fulfilling adventure in their lives. Some travel to explore the world, city after city. Some travel to see what the world has to offer. Some travel to meet new people, learn languages and culture, and get mesmerized by the beauty of different places they visit.

For some, they travel because it simply make their heart leap for joy. It gives them a different satisfaction. That is why most people tend to upload on their social media or even feaure their photos through their travel website. Today, I will show you how you can start one.

Creating a Travel Website

Let us start your travel website journey with these few easy steps.

1. Get a Name

Of course, you need to make sure you have a personal and unique branding name on the web. You can either make use of your name or you can get creative and use characters and other nicknames to brand your website.

Here are sample names you can start from :

* The Traveling Backpack

* The Wanderer (your name here)

* Travel Attendant (your name here)

* The Travel Dust

2. Get a Reliable Host

Your website should be with a host that ensures you have a good and engaging website design, and that you are also secured too. One of the places you can find those is at 

Hosting is essentially a home for your travel blog — basically, the host you sign up with is renting out space on their computers to let your site live there. Honestly, I don’t really understand much more than that, so don’t panic if you’re baffled by what on earth I’m going on about. You don’t need to know how it all works to get your blog set up.