Why Toronto removed Basketball Hoops from Parks Everyday?

Even the Toronto Raptors won the NBA Championship before this season, along with the group’s exciting run has fostered the town’s enthusiasm around the basketball to a different level.

However, you would not understand it, seeing a  submitted this week using a Toronto city employee removing a basketball hoop, the best in ground basketball hoop, in an outside court in one of the town’s parks.

For a little one dribbles a ball onto a gorgeous sunny afternoon, the employee takes the rims down, leaving the only backboard. A young guy assures that the camera that without the decoration, “I could have as much fun here.” He moves for the layup… but there is nowhere to set the ball. It ricochets off the backboard.

The hoops’ elimination was not a one-off, recorded by opportunity. For decades, the decoration has been eliminated by city employees every evening in reaction to noise complaints from neighbors, from several Toronto parks.

City spokesperson Brad Ross informed Toronto’s Star paper that crews will make their approach to several parkettes… and eliminate the nets and substitute them another evening to reevaluate noise complaints. Then came the conversation on Wednesday, which left the town to seem, well to pleasure and workout of Mitch Robson. As of Friday afternoon, the video was viewed over 1.5 million times.

The basketball governing body of Canada weighed, submitting a photograph showing the Raptors playing with no hoop a basket. “No advantage. No background. Everyone deserves the opportunity. Maintain up the leaves,” it advocated.

The town reacted fast. Throughout hours, Toronto Mayor John Tory declared his disapproval of this practice.

“The City ought to be placing basketball nets not yanking down them,” he also tweeted. “I have delivered this message into our park employees tonight — they concur. We need to absolutely be inviting children to perform in our town.”

The town published an announcement another morning quitting the practice, describing it had originated from an effort to balance the rights of everybody to love Toronto’s parks — play basketball — together with all the rights of taxpayers adjacent to these parks in regards to noise.

Hoops were removed just from parks near to houses, the town stated, however, is now acknowledged that carrying them down 6 p.m. isn’t affordable.” Effective immediately, the town said it could suspend hoop removal so citizens may continue to enjoy a sport of basketball to the day.

The Toronto District School Board additionally declared it would leave to its own basketball nets outside college hours though it said that the transfer could function as a 6-month pilot project to better understand some possible troubles.

Not everyone was amazed. “Where were that 20 decades back when I had been in college,” one individual tweeted. “Down them annually at Scarborough. Was websites and an NBA championship. SMH.”

Robson, who published the first movie of those rims being eliminated, submitted an image the next day which indicated the town had been following through on its own guarantee.

“The rim is up and appearing royal at Phin Park, based on some resources,” he also wrote. “Let us hope it stays up beyond 6:00 pm!”


E-Cigarettes: Alternative for Quitting Smoking

So you optate to quit smoking and wonder how vaping can avail? Smoking is one of the hardest addictions to quit. Smokers endeavor all kind of alternatives from patches to nicotine gums but ultimately fail to quit.

It is probably a great conception to utilize e-cigr as a smooth process of weaning yourself off the nicotine. One of the benefits of vaping is that you can control your nicotine intake by culling different strengths. If you are a cumbersomely hefty smoker. you can commence with high vigor of nicotine in your e-juice and then drop it down gradually.

The good news is that the jeopardy of dying from tobacco-cognate diseases such as lung cancer and heart attack drops significantly within a few years of quitting smoking. Verbalizing goodbye to cigarettes is probably the most valuable step you can take to rejuvenate yourself and amend your overall health. Vaping is a smoking cessation avail that can make your efforts more fruitful.

When are you considered a non-smoker if you quit? You require to quit smoking for at least a year for being considered a non-smoker by Canadian indemnification companies.

‘How do I quit smoking is probably one of the most frequently asked questions. It is authentically a challenge that more than 85% of smokers fail to surmount. Perhaps you have already made few endeavors to win this let’s-quit-smoking challenge but failed every single time. There is no desideratum to get deterred.

Experts are of the opinion that people who utilize some kind of assistive methods amend their odds of prosperity. It is not advisable to quit smoking cold turkey, which denotes without any medicine or counseling. Nicotine withdrawal is arduous and those who decide to quit cold turkey are liable to relapse.

Culling one of the nicotine supersession therapies is a good conception. There are options such as gums, patches, inhalers, etc. that can avail you surmount this habit sempiternally. You should verbalize with your medico about medical smoking cessation avails if you are not sure what product would be ideal for you or visit https://www.cannabistherapyinstitute.com/best-vapes/dry-herb-vaporizers/.

If patches, gums and other smoking cessation avails don’t work for you, endeavor e-cigarettes. An astronomically immense number of people recommend e-cigarettes as an efficacious technique to quit traditional smoking. Afore anything else, cull a substantial reason than your urge to smoke.

Diversity Is Needed In Every Newsroom

There seems to be an ongoing discrimination and favoritism among the people of media. It seems that white, male, and academic are the attributes that dominate the world of journalism. Not simply by chance but because they were placed there. For a female journalist starting out in the industry, this could be unfair and intimidating but generally this fact is actually affecting the quality of journalism.

The field of journalism needs diversity as pointed out by Tabea Grzeszyk (managing director of the Hostwriter platform) who, together with Corrective have published ‘Why Journalism Needs Diversity’.

This is not to say that white men are not good journalists. However, they are not also society’s representative. In English newsrooms, for example, 94 percent worked white and 55 percent male editors. Such data have so far not even been collected for Germany.

Diversity in Journalism: It’s about time

Get diversity out of the integration corner

To change this state of affairs, she gathers stories from female journalists worldwide in her book. Her reports illustrate, in some very personal stories, how sexism, racism and bullying are expressed in newsrooms.

This is about achieving diversity in every newsroom and not about doing the minorities some favor. Journalism needs multiple perspectives to deliver good quality.

No more overlooked stories

If the vast majority have the same background, the risk of blind spots increases. “I can think of the NSU as an example. For 13 years he undetected racist murders while German journalists wrote articles on so-called ‘kebab murders’. The guilt was suspected among the migrants. ”Various editorial offices may have reacted more sensitively. Grzeszyk believes that they also have a different approach to the protagonists who might open up differently.

The problem would be easy to fix: editorial offices would only have to line up in a more diverse manner. But power would never have been happy to be given up. Grzeszyk: “That’s why we go beyond quality. If the newsroom is not sufficiently diverse, we can overlook stories. ”The book is an attempt to provide descriptive material. Editors could be inspired by how to do it better.

More and more women of different races are aiming for diversity and while not all newsrooms welcome the idea, the cause is being felt throughout the media worldwide. Many of these women are eager to spread the cause, through social media, discounted websites through namesilo promo code, and forums. This is not just pushing women power, this is aiming for equality in all levels – male or female, black or white.

Climate Change Not Just An Environmental Issue

More than 25 print and digital media in Latin America will collaborate closely this year in their reporting on climate change. They want to reveal which economic groups are responsible for the destruction of the environment and climate change.

On January 1, 27 Latin American media published a joint editorial in which they ask journalists to treat climate change not only as an environmental or nature conservation problem but as a political and economic issue.

Climate change in the 2020s: What impacts to expect

The journalists of these media are going to uncover the economic and political interests behind the exploitation of monocultures such as oil palms and minerals such as mercury in Latin America. It is the first time that Latin American media work together in this way.

Economy editors

The proposal comes from the team of Ojo Público (Public Eye), a Peruvian digital medium that was created in 2014 with the aim of investigating journalism on cross-border organized crime, corruption, and issues that threaten the public interest, the environment, and human rights.

“For years, the Latin American media economy editors have reported on the increase in GDP or the need for foreign investment, but the environmental and economic costs of these industries are not being investigated,” said Nelly Luna, editor in chief of Ojo. Público.

With income from international donations, Ojo Público has gathered several journalists from the region over the past two years to conduct cross-border investigations into issues such as illegal logging in the Amazon. As a result, media such as InfoAmazonia (Brazil), Página 12 (Argentina), El Comercio (Peru), El Espectador (Colombia), and others in Bolivia, Chile, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, and Venezuela, supported the initiative.

Different countries and perspectives

That journalists bring the same story from different countries and perspectives is the best way to stimulate reporting on climate change, and to reverse the discourse that economic growth can only be at the expense of ecosystems, Luna says.

This form of collaborative journalism has already achieved milestones such as the Panama Papers, in which 106 media from 76 different countries collaborated, and platforms such as HostWriter, in which reporters with common interests can find each other.

Latin American journalists are now going to do more and collective research into the economic cycle of climate change in the region. “In Latin America, we do not show which industries and legal and economic systems allow the degradation of ecosystems,” says Luna. “The overall picture is lacking to clearly identify these economic groups and to follow the path of money in environmental issues.”

High environmental costs

There are not many of them, but there are already some examples of collaborative journalistic research into resources such as gold, wood or water. These are extracted in Latin America with a high environmental cost and ultimately end up in a chain protected by the legal system of world trade. According to Luna, journalistic research has already been done, but not enough.

That is why they are focusing on cross-border research projects this year. “This year two studies are being conducted, on the rise of monocultures in the Amazon region, and on the use of mercury. In both cases, six media have already agreed to cooperate. Ojo Público will launch the investigations in March during the third international conference Research from science, which takes place in Lima.

In Brazil…

It is important that journalism in the region begin to take a clear stand vis-à-vis the political and economic leaders of climate change, especially in Brazil, where the new president, Jair Bolsonaro, has made major changes in environmental policy announced that are likely to affect the Amazon.

Through cooperation and political positioning, “we reconfirm our journalistic role as a watchdog to ensure that the natural heritage is used for the public good.”

“Climate change is no longer just a scientific story, it is also an economic, political and social story,” said Egyptian journalist Mohamed Yahia, president of the World Federation of Science Journalists. He calls the Latin American initiative “inspiring” for the rest of the South.

For Yahia, writing about the effects of climate change is usually the easiest story, but it’s not the only story. “If we cannot identify the cause of the problem – and many interest groups are trying hard to hide it – then no solution is possible. This is a challenge, especially in the South, but that only means that we have to be more alert and work even harder to expose them. ”

Climate change is a concern for everyone, regardless if it calls for power tools such as pole saws (https://knightsandsnails.com/dws779-vs-dws780/) to clean the environment, it also requires cooperation from everyone to put their hand together to give a resolution to the growing issue of climate change.

A Closer Look at The Netherlands as a Popular International Conference Destination

International conferences have always been a great source of reports for journalists on the hunt for new discoveries, inventions, developments and knowledge delving on topics of global significance. Getting first hand information about matters presented, and the related discussions and debates that transpire, is the best way to fully understand the concept and purposes that professionals like scientists, doctors, engineers, teachers and other experts announce to the world.

In the Netherlands, there is no shortage of international conferences for journalists to cover. The cities of Amsterdam, The Hague, and Groningen are in fact key places where hundreds of major international conferences take place yearly. These cities not only provide the venues and amenities in which to hold significant events. They also provide attendees opportunities to learn about Dutch history, as well as experience the country’s different cultures and traditions.

Actually, becoming a leading international conference destination enables countries like the U.S., Germany, Spain, France, United Kingdom and Italy to significantly augment their economic income. The Netherlands ranks as 8th placer after Japan and China-PR. After all, international conferences are excellent sources of additional taxes derived from tourism-related businesses, especially revenues generated by hospitality and transportation industries,and including industry-related jobs.

What Conference Organizers Consider when Choosing The Netherlands as Conference Location

Organizers conduct an intensive bidding process to which interested providers submit proposals that meet the requirements for an upcoming international conference. The Netherlands is highly favored for its low-budget offers. According to the CEO of Amsterdam Marketing Frans van der Avert, The Netherlands is often a favorite choice whenever budgets are of utmost concern, because their conference offers are relatively low when compared to the offers of other international destinations.

Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands is the leading international conference site of the country. In 2016, RAI Amsterdam alone, made record for hosting 52 international conferences that generated about half a billion euros and created 7,000 new jobs in Amsterdam.

Aside from having quality facilities and service providers in their venues, the city is a favourite because of its accessibility and connectivity. The Amsterdam Airport Schiphol is regarded as a major European hub because it extends operations to more than 300 direct destinations. Moreover, public transport takes only 20 minutes or so to reach the city centre, usually by riding in a 100% electrically operated taxi.

International connectivity is also provided by way of technology that allows conference attendees to video conference with associates and colleagues located in other parts of the globe. Connectivity of course is important to journalists in broadcasting a covered event, with the Amsterdam Internet Exchange (AMS-IX) providing excellent digital connection throughout the world.

The “I Amsterdam” campaign helped make the city an iconic international destination, highlighting not only cultural, and historical wonders but also important architectural buildings housing museums, shopping malls, restaurants and entertainment spots.

When organizing events, meets and conferences in the Netherlands, many consider using letter lights or letters met licht in highlighting events, conferences and important announcements.

Online Journalism, Journalism Today?

When we talk about mass media, two decades ago people still talked about just two mass media, namely print media and broadcast media (television and radio). Now, the mass media have been transformed to increase their bang on the world of journalism. Online media or online journalism, yes, the new type of journalism is now becoming the belle for people who want to find or get news quickly. Yes, online journalism does rely on speed, in contrast to the two types of mass media that previously existed. So, what about online journalism in the world. Let’s explore together …

Online Journalism

People in the world have not been too long online journalism. In the western hemisphere, online journalism has only just begun and was heard in 1998 precisely when January 19, 1998, when Mark Drugde revealed the story of the infidelity of US President Bill Clinton with Monica Lewinsky or often called “monicagate” (ayomenulisfisip.files. wordpress.com, nd). Starting from Drugde who at that time wrote the incident on a laptop and uploaded it on the internet, many people immediately accessed and read the story, so that people also knew about “monicagate”.

The magazine “TIME” has also written how this online media will be published and become the future of mass media. In a book titled “Online News Journalism and The Internet” by Stuart Allan mentioned on March 1, 1995, TIME used the front cover of his magazine which read “Welcome to Cyberspace”, this was also the marker of the publication of online media at that time.

After that, many online media began to emerge, such as a personal web that contained experiences or stories from the owner of the blog. But blogs and the like are not part of online journalism products, but are only stories from the blogger. It’s like the blogger sharing stories of her or his experience in their travels and new adventures like in the case of a blogger experiencing a wedding that made use of light letters (letters met licht) or some things like that.

The Start of Online Journalism

The year 2000 became the era for dot.com, online media that were established at that time were still owned by deep-pocketed investors. Even so, this euphoria did not last long, only two years later, the dot.com frill began to fall. Then in 2003, it became a spring for online media. Since 2003, online media sites have begun to be attractive in launching their actions on the mass media scene.

The attraction is none other than the development of internet technology namely web 2.0. Online media also began to provide space for people to interact, by presenting comments on every online news, some even provided columns or forums.

Stopping Cannabis Use

There have been arguments about legalizing marijuana, disagreements, and also to educate people on the dangers of drugs. Yet those influenced by drugs that are challenging locate themselves not worried about its impacts on their health because they keep smoking bud.

You’re still unable to withstand the effects because of your dependence on marijuana, Even though you know of the health issues related to bud. You shed your memories and be aware of what’s wrong with you as you keep on smoking bud. The reason why bud smokers may continue to seek out a means out to prevent smoking marijuana That’s.

There are directing you. Have you stopped smoking? You are not certain if they’ll do the job for you. If you are currently searching to prevent smoking bud, then you’re blessed to have discovered this report.

To begin with, just how much do you understand about bud? Do you keep addicted to them till you’re totally down and feel marijuana itself is strong like alcoholic or smokes which contain? No it isn’t! It’s entry and your openness to smoking weed which attracts about your craving for bud.

Is that it’s the desire to meet your self that drives you or to feel high. Just like a alcohol enthusiast or a gambler, you may feel that by carrying bud, issues will be cleared.

Your motive of smoking bud could mean to meet yourself so that you combine them to have pleasure or as your buddies smoke. Smoking marijuana is also preferred by some people as an alternate for brain injury or their problem. Maybe to stop, you can slowly diminish your use. You can smoke little cbd vape additive to lessen your bud use.

No matter your motives for smoking marijuana, I would like you to be aware that there is a means for you personally. You have to understand your motives before it’s possible to stop smoking it for carrying bud. Unless you can determine why it is you’re smoking marijuana, you’ll keep smoking pot again and again.

The Development And Basics of Journalism

The Development of Journalism

Journalism comes from the word “journal” which means a diary. There are several stages that had to be passed before making a journalistic work. This includes initial planning, going into the field, writing the results of field observations, and presenting it to the general public. There are three journalistic scopes, namely straight news, features, and opinions which include editorials, columns, and marginal notes.

Journalism first appeared in 131 BC in Rome. At that time many notice boards were found. After the printing press was invented in 17th century Germany, the spread of journalistic works became more massive. Until now, the time when the internet is rampant, journalism increasingly existed and could reach the entire world.

If you look at the context of media among students at this time. People are now close to journalistic works. Because currently, journalistic work is not only in the form of writing. However, it can be in the form of videos, infographics, and short films. Blogging is a form of journalism, Even video blogs are considered as journalism too. For instance, if you blog about cars and speakers or both as in the case of writing or making a video to answer a question like “Which are the best car speakers?” the thing is that you are still journaling something relevant that’s worth publishing.

Writing is still important, but if we can make something more interesting why not? The important thing is that the meaning can be distributed together.

Journalism Basics

Journalists should pay attention to the journalism code of ethics. The code of ethics refers to what Bill Kovach and Tom Rosentiels have formulated, namely, nine journalistic elements consisting of:

Journalism is chasing the truth, Journalists’ commitment to society and the public interest, Journalism is the discipline of carrying out verification, Independent of news sources, Must be a power monitor, Providing a forum for the community, Striving to make important things interesting and relevant, Keeping proportional and comprehensive news and, Give priority to conscience.

In addition to obeying the nine elements of journalism, journalists should unite. In this way, journalists can maintain independence by placing restrictions on media entrepreneurs.

Three Point Lighting In Visual Media

Light is crucial in the daily existence of all people. Light, just like pendant lights Sydney, has become a need since it provides illumination to   both private and public areas. Moreover, the powerful properties of light could bring about mesmerizing experiences as well as engage spectators.

The Three Point Lighting

Light is also used in different industries as they play a significant role. For instance, the technique called Three Point Lighting is a basic method utilized in visual media like film, video, video interviews, still photography as well as in imagery generated by computer. It is uncomplicated and basic; however is a system that is versatile which shapes the foundation of most lighting.

The three illuminations utilized in this technique are known as the key light, fill light and back light. These are all needed to efficiently make use of the technique. But then again as a rule:

  • If only a single light is available, it then turns into the key light
  • If two lights are available, one functions as the key light and the remaining is either functions as the backlight or the fill

Key Light

The key light is the major light and is typically situated on the front right or left of the subject or camera, with the purpose of aptly illuminating this side and where the opposite side has a certain shadow effect. It could also be positioned directly fronting the subject, especially if it doesn’t move so much.

The key light must be positioned higher than the subject downward-facing with, if possible, an approximately 45 degree angle, with the aim of appropriately showing the eyes.

Fill Light

Frequently, the fill light is proportional to the key light on the other part of the face. It is usually less bright and softer compared to the key light. To get this, it could also be just below as well as further away or it could be softened by means of filters. An optimum illumination of the fill light would yet leave certain soft shadows made by the main light that naturally outlines the subject’s face.


The backlight illuminates the subject diagonally from the back or directly from behind. It has to be positioned rather high enough, so as for the light to strike the shoulders and hair of the subject. It intends to deliver definition as well as subtle or faint highlights around the outlines of the subject and hence separate the individual from the backdrop as well as provide a look that is three-dimensional.

Multimedia Journalism, Online Journalism, and Future Journalism

In the millennial era, people are familiar with various media offerings, and even humans at all times “mingle” with the media in their hands. The media at this time is also interactive where the media open up opportunities to be able to interact with the public. The phenomenon that arises from the space of interaction between the media and the public is that the public does not hesitate to cast criticism on the media if it is deemed to be less “credible”.

Multimedia Journalism

What is meant by multimedia Journalism? Multi means any, or more than double or multiply. Media means communication tools such as newspapers, magazines, radio, television, posters, and banners. So it can be concluded that multimedia means: a computer-based multifunctional tool or facility used to distribute information in the form of sound, animation, video, and traditional media, text, graphics, and images.

Multimedia is divided into two namely: Linear and Non-Linear. Linear means the content is active without control of any navigation to the audience. Non-Linear: content offers interactivity with users or viewers to take part in controlling content or information in the media.

While journalism is the work of gathering, writing, editing, and publishing news in newspapers and so on.

So what is Multimedia Journalism?

It is a contemporary journalism practice in the dissemination of news content using either two or more media formats via the internet. This is closely related to the convergence of media communication technology, news business integration, and news management editorial strategies.

There are two ways to formulate multimedia in journalism, namely: First: the presentation of a news package on a website that uses two or more media formats and there are interactive or hypertextual elements (Journalism Online). For example, a study of news on the Web, in addition to being readable, users can also click to listen to the news or can also watch existing videos.

Second: Presentation of the same news package is sent through different media. For example other than through print media, it can also be sent via, blogs, cellphones, SMS, E-mail, Radio, TV and so on.

Online Journalism

Online journalism can also be called digital journalism which is a form of contemporary journalism in which the dissemination process is via the internet. News content in this feature presents the latest things such as text, audio, video and which contain other interactive elements that are shared through other digital media.

Impact of online journalism for readers: users or readers can interact directly like users can comment on articles, videos and so on.

Several people access news or information online via their cellphones or devices. This has become a “stimulation” for content owners to increasingly compete in creating content that is increasingly attracting the attention of the public that is packed not only in text but also in audio and video.

Future of Journalism

The journalism revolution had a huge impact on the millennial era. There will be times when reporters no longer look for news, write fast because they are chasing deadlines. Journalists of the future also not only cover the news but can harvest and analyze data.

This is because there is a change in the news model, where everyone wants to make and consume news. That the importance of a news value is determined by the public, not from the news agency. News dissemination and news accuracy and responsiveness need to be owned by a journalist.

From social media, the news seems to be scattered just like that and from anywhere, journalists just choose to explore a piece of news that is being hit. News sources can also be accessed from various social media and other social video sharing sites like YouTube (YouTube abonnenten kaufen) and then made comparisons and news filters from other media. Journalists have also demanded to multitask in facing the news.

Citizen journalism action in recording or writing (caption) of a news story and then released, has now become a phenomenon that attracts the attention of the press. So future journalists are journalists who will not go back to the field to cover the news but the news that will come to them through social media that is released by citizen journalism.

Professional Journalism and How it should be Done

As soon as broadcast journalists steps into the newsroom and about to report breaking news, it is always a moment that separating mere readers from those who are the “true leaders” from the pack. The best and top anchors as well as “live” reporters may seem to make their job easy but in reality, it is the complete opposite. Aside from having a firm and good voice, proper delivery and professional look, those who are at the top-tier of broadcasting are capable of reporting news without script.

React and Respond

These journalists are communicating with comfort, clarity and command particularly when a story is fast developing that following formats and using scripts become useless. Acquiring skills without script is something that is built overtime. It falls on several aspects like:

  • Critical thinking
  • Continuous learning and;
  • Mental agility

If you want to become a journalist and be an expert like the ones you saw on TVs today, then here are few imperative tips to be taken into account.

Knowledge Base

Basically, this is your own understanding of names, geography, issues, history as well as your ability of putting everything in perspective for the viewers to see it in an easy to understand manner.

All of this comes from the commitment and dedication of a journalist to be the best in their craft.

When reporting and delivering news, especially if it is live, you never know when new information would come in. For this reason, journalists also have to be quick and adaptable in sorting, prioritizing, organizing and retaining huge volume of data.


Now when it comes to journalism, there is this thing called “ethical journalism”. The sensitivity to live breaking news, graphic video, unconfirmed information, words that may cause panic, endanger security and or safety of the public or words that may add pain to traumatized victims are what being considered here. As a journalist, it is your responsibility to deliver the news in a neutral manner and still show sympathy without having to cross someone’s feelings, emotions or state.

For example, if the subject of the news are mother and daughter tattoos who got involved in an accident, then you would not say that it is just the right thing for them because of their tattoos, right? Still, you have to get through the real score of the story and report it to the viewers in an informative and organized manner.

Make that Story Count!

Whether it is just a quick mention or a featured story, having your content covered by a respected newspaper, well known magazine or popular blog is a surefire way of bolstering your brand and exposing yourself to a great number of followers. What seems to be the problem here is that, it is extremely difficult especially among startups to get the media’s attention.

Not until recently, appealing to media requires a couple of things and these are:

  1. Press Conference and;
  2. Press Release

While marketers can easily afford to have press release for their best home vacuum or whatever product or service they have, only few noticed it. Top press release distribution services are sending hundreds or thousands of new releases per day – majority of which are just given a glance by journalists and then discarded.

Optimizing what seems to be a Hard Work

Press conferences may be a better option in attracting attention. The thing is, they are known to be costly for startups and at the same time, requiring noteworthy news that appeals not only to small audience but also, to general public.

The good thing is that, there is a way that you can have your content be positioned in front of bloggers, journalists, influencers as well as mainstream media.

This is by understanding the way these people write about something. By doing so, you could market your content not in a way that it would appeal to a wider market. Rather, to target specific group of people or audience who has the capability or means to spread your message beyond your means.

Where to Position Yourself Online?

Almost 2 decades ago, journalists only have two ways of getting new stories one of which is by reading PRs that are distributed through mail or via wire services and the other is by doing investigative research to get stories of their own.

But now, the internet has opened new doors for journalists to get fresh stories without spending hours reading PRs or waiting for mails. For businesses, this can be taken advantage by learning how to position themselves and strategically used online channels to get their attention.

Living Happily With Dementia

Negative Presupposition on Dementia

Dementia is a common condition around the world. This is because older people are prone to memory loss and it is also quite hard to determine whether a person has a dementia or not. The problem is that people think of dementia as something that will ruin their lives or that will turn their lives upside down. Thus, this will then lead to people who are diagnosed with dementia to act negatively, thinking that they can no longer do the things they used to do back then. Hence, this negative presupposition on dementia should be eradicated.

If someone we know- a relative, friend, or a loved one is diagnosed with dementia, it is our job to make them realize that everything’s going to be fine and that they can still live a happy life. Do not ever let them think that they can no longer walk alone, roam around the park on neighborhood, because with the technological advancement, all of this are possible. The gps tracker til demente is a device developed to track someone, specifically those with dementia. It is a bracelet where a loved one must connect with his/her mobile device.

Living Positively With Dementia

You cannot blame someone who has a dementia or their loved ones to not feel hopeless or demotivated from time to time. Also, it is no wonder why most news articles view dementia as something negative because of the negative consequences a person face. But having a dementia does not mean it is the end of the world for them. There are a lot of ways for a dementia person to live happily. Aside from taking medications to control the symptoms delay extreme memory loss that may lead to accidents, health cares have been designing processes and methods that will promote peace of mind among dementia patients. Also, these methods will help patients to cope up with difficult situation and improve problem solving skills.

Other ways to promote a healthy heart, mind, and life among dementia patients are: music therapy, since this is believe to help patients remember happy memories, also sports because this will help them remember their sports or hobbies.

Life Begins at 40 Plus 10: Next Level Adventure

When they say life begins at 40, we cringed at the thought and somehow come up with a  better thought to it… well add 10 more and that makes life begins at 50. 

If you think of your life at 40 some people are still trying to get rich, working and hustling, finding someone to share the next years of their life or even staring at travel photos wondering when they’re ever gonna do it. 

Meanwhile, at 50 all you can ever do is sit at the porch looking back at things you have accomplished and the people you have helped along the way. And then you realized this is the part of your life where you should start having some real next-level adventure.

While you had those adventures back when you’re the twenties, so who said you can’t do it now that your 30 years older? So today, here are a few tips on how you can still have fun while you are living the life of the 50th.

How to Have Fun at 50

At 50 you will realize that it will be different from those years, this time you won’t be having much time spent with your kids and grandkids, but while you are stressing out the thought of not often seeing them, and while you stay at your porch waiting for their next weekend visit, why not think of something else to do?

It is somewhat getting your life back. No work, no more changing of diapers just you, and the life you are going to live again.

So today, here are a few tips that should help you enjoy life at 50.

Join Small Group Tour

Joining groups of the same age and the interests is just like joining glee clubs back in senior high school, it is just that now you are literally a senior with some fun. This is also a way of being independent, because yes you can still get those limbs to traveling.

Ride a Scooter

Your kids won’t stress out at the thought of you on a scooter because today a lot of companies are developing advanced features that even at your age can enjoy. You can go to adultelectricscooters.co.uk to know more about that.


Learning How to Write Website Content

One of the most exciting branches of journalism is writing. People always have the heart for writing with pen and paper, but with technology’s influence, people are now writing using keyboards in their portable computer.

While this is a good thing, this also had downsides to the traditional way of writing. However, people have different interests in life. And it’s just that yours happen to be about writing website content. So today here’s a few tips on how to write fruitful website content.

Learning How to Write Online

Learning how to write website content sure is not easy but that doesn’t mean you can’t learn how to manage. If you are passionate about writing then take that as a motivation, for online writing is far different from the traditional ways you used to write for.

So here are a few tips about how you can spice up a good website content as a web content writer.

Capture Reader’s Interest: Define Your Audience

It is so hard to capture the reader’s interest especially if there’s an ocean of fish on the internet. You just don’t know how to do it the right way. However, defining the right audience should help you ace up in your writing game.

Write Short and Simple Sentences 

Make sure that everything you publish is understandable, you don’t need to make use of hard to understand words or dictionary slangs, you would only give your readers a hard time comprehending with you. So keep it simple.


Business Journalism 101: 10 Pro Tips on Business Reporting

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exPc2gKgbVw[/embedyt]

May it be in a narrative, explicative, or you might go written or oral, here are some quick guides to improve your business journalism. Check this video, learn and apply new stuff on your journalism journey.

Image of a Thousand Word – The Art of Photo Journalism

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsO9IObsaRA[/embedyt]

The way humans perceive and understand things around him is very diverse. Our senses enable us to receive and perceive information that we’re having access. But of course, we have this specific sense where we do understand things better. Some might understand better by hearing, some by seeing, others are by feeling, smelling and many more. Today, let’s have some pro tips on how we can make a simple photograph makes the reader feel, hear, smell or feel the message within the image they see as it complements the words that are carefully written by the writers and editors.

Tips in Starting a Travel Website

Do you want to start a travel website that you can focus in featuring your exquisite travel photos, videos and adventures?

Well, wether you are a business man, or just someone who loves to travel, building a travel website is basically the best decisions you can come up with. Today, this blog post will show you how you can start that website running.

Why Make A Travel Blog 

For some, traveling has become a fulfilling adventure in their lives. Some travel to explore the world, city after city. Some travel to see what the world has to offer. Some travel to meet new people, learn languages and culture, and get mesmerized by the beauty of different places they visit.

For some, they travel because it simply make their heart leap for joy. It gives them a different satisfaction. That is why most people tend to upload on their social media or even feaure their photos through their travel website. Today, I will show you how you can start one.

Creating a Travel Website

Let us start your travel website journey with these few easy steps.

1. Get a Name

Of course, you need to make sure you have a personal and unique branding name on the web. You can either make use of your name or you can get creative and use characters and other nicknames to brand your website.

Here are sample names you can start from :

* The Traveling Backpack

* The Wanderer (your name here)

* Travel Attendant (your name here)

* The Travel Dust

2. Get a Reliable Host

Your website should be with a host that ensures you have a good and engaging website design, and that you are also secured too. One of the places you can find those is at https://wowbixmarketing.com/nj-web-design/. 

Hosting is essentially a home for your travel blog — basically, the host you sign up with is renting out space on their computers to let your site live there. Honestly, I don’t really understand much more than that, so don’t panic if you’re baffled by what on earth I’m going on about. You don’t need to know how it all works to get your blog set up.